Playing with bubbles
Documentary / 27 min / 2014
USA, Spain, Brazil
It’s been a long time since cities have stopped being spaces for living and community to become places for lucrative production, rents, speculation and business.
The mortgage crisis in the US left a trail of indebted and homeless victims. In Europe the most affected economy was in Spain, the most dependent on the real estate business.
Are there political, legislative actions behind these bubbles? Could Brazil, the greatest real estate market in Latin America, become a similar case?
Guión, Dirección y Fotografía:
Cucho Ramírez Sagredo
Irlanda Tambascio Waine
Cucho Ramírez
Asistencia Brasil y Sonido Directo:
Aarón Cadena Ovalle
Producción periodística Brasil:
Jessica Santos Souza
Benjamin Potet
Macarena Soto
Producción periodística, Sonido y Asistencia gral E.E.U.U:
Manuel Ferrera
Celia Novis
Somiant Productions
Producción periodística y Asistencia gral España:
Andrea Vázquez Sénder
Diseño Gráfico:
Nika Santos
Fausto Pototo
More Info
In 1998 in Spain a law was passed liberalizing land use which attracted many investors into construction and generated in subsequent years an increase in mortgages for homes that were increasingly more expensive.
In the US in the early 2000s the financial and real estate markets were widely deregulated, which led to the creation of new and complex investment products, many based on the granting of mortgages on real estate.
From the start of the crisis -in 2007-2008- until 2014, there were more than 20 million foreclosures in the US, and more than half a million in Spain. The houses instantly lost more than 50% of their value, while millions of houses were empty on both sides of the Atlantic.
After the crisis in the US international investment got directed towards Brazil, which was going through a period of growth. A series of changes were implemented in the legislation to facilitate investment in real estate and this created a flow of credit, a rise in inflation and a disproportionate increase in prices.
In a global context, cities and the production of cities have been seized by the financial system with the obsession of opening spaces for private businesses. Market-Friendly Planning is an urban development strategy promoted by the IMF. In conjunction with social deprotection policies, the result is the eviction of the economically weakest population.
Nowadays urban planning follows the logic of destroying humanity, and this has pushed many of the victims to band together and stand up to a social emergency.